
Following fertilization of the egg cell by a sperm cell, the zygote develops inside the seed. The sequence of development proceeds through histodifferentiation, cell expansion and maturation drying.

The stage of histodifferentiation (referred to as embryogenesis) and is characterized by differentiation of the endosperm and embryo.

This process is similar but unique for monocots, dicots and gymnosperms.

Illustration showing a seed growing through three stages of seed development.

Monocot embryogenesis - corn

Proembryo stage

Monocots have a more complex embryo structure in the mature seed compared to dicots, but early embryo development is similar to dicots.

The stages of embryogenesis in monocots include the proembryo, globular, scutellar and coleoptilar stages.

Following fertilization, the first cell division is asymmetrical and leads to an apical and basal cell in corn (Zea mays). The apical cell divides more rapidly than the basal cell and will eventually be the embryo.

Illustration of cell division in a monocot seed during the proembryo stage with the apical and basal ends identified.

Globular stage

The proembryo in the globular stage is similar to dicots, except that the suspensor is not a single or double row of cells and is less differentiated.

In the late globular stage, the outer epidermal layer is evident and a group of cells on one side of the proembryo divides more rapidly.

These will give rise to the embryo axis.

Illustration of cell development in a monocot seed during the globular stage. The scutellum and suspensor cells are identified, as are the initials for axis (10-15 cells).

Scutellar stage

The remnant of the cotyledon can be seen in the scutellar stage of development.

Monocots have reduced the pair of cotyledons represented in dicot embryos to a single modified cotyledon termed the scutellum.

The scutellum acts as conductive tissue between the endosperm and embryo axis.

Illustration of cell development in a monocot seed during the scutellar stage. The remnant of cotyledon is pointed out, and the developing axis, scutellum, and suspensor are identified.

Coleoptilar stage

The embryo axis differentiates into the plumule (shoot) and radicle.

In monocots, the embryo axis also has a specialized tissue surrounding the shoot and root tissue to aid in emergence during germination.

These are the coleoptile and coleorhiza, respectively.

Illustration of cell development in a monocot seed during the coleoptilar stage. The plumule, coleoptile primordium, radicle, coleorhiza, coleoptile, suspensor, and scutellum are identified.

Cross section micrography of a mature corn seed. The coleoptile, shoot meristem, radicle, coleorhiza, scutellum, endosperm, and pericarp are identified.

Diocot embryogenesis – Shepherd's purse

Proembryo stage

Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa- pastoris) serves as a good model for dicot embryogenesis.

Embryogenesis goes through proembryo, globular, heart, torpedo, and cotyledon stages. Following fertilization of the egg and sperm nuclei, a proembryo is formed by a transverse cell division to form an apical and basal cell.

Illustration of the proembryo stage of dicot embryogenesis. A fertilized egg cell is shown dividing into apical and basal cells, then dividing further with suspensor cells developing between apical cells and the basal cell.

The basal cell forms the suspensor, while the apical cell forms the embryo. The suspensor in dicots is usually a column of single or multiple cells.

The suspensor functions to push the proembryo into the embryo sac cavity and to absorb and transmit nutrients to the proembryo.

Micrograph showing dicot embryogenesis with ovule, fertilized egg cell, integuments, and funiculus identified.

Globular stage

In Shepherd's purse, basal cell derivatives in the globular embryo form the hypophysis that goes on to develop into the radicle. Tissue differentiation becomes evident in the 16-celled globular embryo.

Illustration of the globular stage of dicot embryogenesis. The hypophysis, suspensor, and basal cells are identified.

In Shepherd's purse, basal cell derivatives in the globular embryo form the hypophysis that goes on to develop into the radicle.

Tissue differentiation becomes evident in the 16-celled globular embryo.

Micrograph cross section of the globular stage of dicot embryogenesis. The ovule, integuments, globular embryo, suspensor, basal cell, funiculus, and endosperm are identified.

Cotyledon stage

Cotyledon primordium are evident in the heart-shaped stage of embryogenesis.

These primordia elongate to give a typical torpedo stage embryo.

Illustration of the cotyledon stage of dicot embryogenesis. The suspensor and basal cells are identified. The primordia are shown in the heart shaped and torpedo stages of development.

In the heart and torpedo stages, the embryo has organized to form an apical meristem, radicle, cotyledons and hypocotyl.

Micrograph cross section of the cotyledon stage of dicot embryogenesis. The funiculus, endosperm, ovule, integuments, and a heart-shaped embryo are identified.

Mature stage

In this stage, the embryo is fully formed and separate cotyledons can be easily seen as well as a distinct shoot and root meristem.

At this time the suspensor and the basal cell begin to disappears.

Illustration of the mature stage of dicot embryogenesis. The basal cell, suspensor, and radicle are identified. Growing from the radicle is the fully formed embryo with apical meristem, and multiple cotyledons.

In this stage, the embryo is fully formed and separate cotyledons can be easily seen as well as a distinct shoot and root meristem.

At this time the suspensor and the basal cell begin to disappears.

Micrograph of the mature stage of dicot embryogenesis. The funiculus, radicle, seed coat, apical meristem, and cotyledones are identified.

Gymnosperm embryogenesis – Pine

Compared to the more evolutionarily advanced angiosperms, embryo formation in gymnosperms differs in several important ways.

Most conspicuous is that seeds of gymnosperms are not contained within a carpel (fruit). The term gymnosperm means "naked seeded".

There is also no true triploid endosperm in gymnosperms. Rather, the developing embryo is nourished by haploid female gametophyte tissue.

Micrograph of a pine gymnosperm embryogenesis. The egg and sperm are identified.

Free nuclear stage

After fertilization, several embryos begin development within a single gymnosperm seed but rarely does more than one of these embryos mature.

In pine (Pinus sp.), the fertilized egg cell divides to form a free nuclear stage without cell walls between nuclei.

Illustration of the free nuclear stage of gymnosperm embryogenesis. A fertilized egg cell is shown dividing into several nuclei without cell walls between them.

Suspensor tier stage

Following cell wall formation, cells organize to form an embryo tier of cells and a suspensor tier.

The suspensor differentiates into a set of primary suspensor cells (rosette cells) and embryonal suspensor tubes.

Illustration of the suspensor tier stage of gymnosperm embryogenesis. The embryo tier, suspensor tier, and rosette cells are identified.

Proembryo stage

The suspensor cells elongate and there are several cleavage events to give multiple embryos (polyembryos) inside a single seed.

Usually, only one of these embryos continue to develop.

Side by side comparison of a photo and illustration of the proembryo stage. Suspensor tubes, proembryo detail, and protoderm layer are identified.

Cotyledon stage

The proembryo continues to differentiate an epidermal layer prior to multiple cotyledon primordia becoming evident in the cotyledon stage.

Also, the shoot and root meristem has been developed.

Side by side comparison of an illustration and cross section photo of a proembryo in the cotyledon stage. Cotyledons, apical meristem, and radicle are identified.