Semi-hardwood (greenwood) cuttings are those made from woody, broad-leaved evergreen species, and leafy summer and early fall cuttings of deciduous plants with partially matured wood.

Ornamental shrubs like camellia, pittosporum, euonymus, holly, and rhododendron, are commonly propagated from semi-hardwood cuttings.

Photo of holly (Ilex) cuttings rooted in flats of perlite.

Holly (Ilex) cuttings rooted in flats of perlite.

Semi-hardwood cuttings are made 3 to 6 inches long with leaves retained at the upper end. Cuttings are usually rooted under mist, fog or high humidity and over wintered in greenhouse structures often with minimal heat.

These cuttings usually benefit from an auxin treatment and bottom heat.

In some cases, like rhododendron, wounding the base of the cutting leads to heavier rooting.

Photo of worker placing cuttings into perlite.

Click on the button below to see sticking semi-hardwood cuttings video.

If the semi-hardwood cuttings have large leaves, they can be reduced up to one-half their size to minimize water loss and to allow cuttings to be spaced closer together in the cutting bench with minimal leaf overlap that could lead to increased disease incidence.

Photo of semi-hardwood cuttings with cut leaves. Close up photo of semi-hardwood cuttings with cut leaves.