A bridge graft is an example of a repair graft. It is done to rescue established trees that have been girdled by mechanical damage or animals.

Bridge grafting is best done in early spring when the bark is slipping.

Scions are taken from dormant one-year old stems.

Photo example of bridge grafting with the bridging scions identified.

Illustration showing two steps needed to prepart the damaged plant. In step one all dead and damaged bark around the wound is trimmed back to live, healthy tissue. In steop two cuts are made in the bark at the top and bottom of the wound, just as for the inlay bark graft. The slots in the bark should be the same width as the scions to be inserted.

Illustration showing two steps needed to prepare a scion for bridge grafting. In step one a long, slanting cut is made at each end of the scion, with both cuts on the same side. In the second step a second, short slanting cut is made on the back side of the scion, bringing the ends to a sharp wedge. Buds can be trimmed off the scions if desired.

Illustration showing the bridge graft being made in two steps. In the first step the scions are inserted in each slot, the wedge going under the flap bark at each end. The scions should be put in 'right side up' and allowed to bow outward slightly. In the second step the scions are nailed in place, then the unions at top and bottom are thoroughly covered with grafting wax.