Root grafting (also called whole-root or piece-root grafting) uses only a root piece as the rootstock compared to other types of grafts where the rootstock contains both root and stem tissue.

Illustration showing how a piece of root is removed from a grown plant, and then attached to a scion. Attention must be paid to making sure that the proximal end of each part are bound together to form the new graft.

At one time, this was a common graft for apples.

Root grafting is done as bench grafting when the scion is dormant.

They are commonly tied with nursery tape that decomposes naturally when the graft is planted in the soil.

Photo showing a shoot and root of a root grafting before and after being bound with nursery tape.

Photo shwoing a root and shoot about to be bound together in a graft. Photo now showing the shoot and root bound together with nursery tape.

Saddle grafts were once a common graft for rhododendrons using a root piece as the rootstock.

Illustration showing a saddle graft of a rhododendron as an example of using a grafting root.

Tree peonies are side wedge or cleft grafted to herbaceous peony tuberous roots.

It is an interesting graft performed between a woody and herbacous perennial.

The graft is done in the fall when herbaceous peonies are lifted from the field.

The healed graft is planted in the spring.

Photo showing a graft between a woody and herbacous perennial.